Legal notice

Company Details

NVL B.V. & Co. KG
Zum Alten Speicher 11
28759 Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 6604 10

Registered office:Bremen
Commercial register:District Court Bremen HRA 29160 HB
Legal form:Kommanditgesellschaft (Limited Partnership)
VAT ID number:DE 344 382 774
Tax number:60/100/10037
General partner:NVL Verwaltungs B.V. & Co. KG
Registered office:Bremen
Commercial register:HRA 29159 HB
Represented by its general partner:NVL Shipbuilding B.V.
Registered office:Groningen
Commercial register:Kamer von Koophandel, CCI 82055327
Managing directors:Tim Wagner (CEO), Lena Ströbele, Harald Wilke, Ronny Ischganeit


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The information provided on this website is compiled and updated periodically. It is impossible to guarantee that the information is free from errors. For this reason, NVL B.V. & Co. KG is not liable for and does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and currentness of the information provided on this website. There is no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, regarding the information on this website.

This website may provide links to other websites. NVL B.V. & Co. KG does not accept liability for any information obtained from and interaction with any third-party website reached by means of a link from this website. NVL B.V. & Co. KG is also not responsible for the data protection precautions or any other acts or omissions of the operators of such third-party websites.

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